As I have said before, I like to sketch and doodle. As of late its been birds, birds, and more birds. I don't claim to be all that good at it, but I'm exponentially better than I used to be. My use of line has greatly improved.
I dare say my use of line has greatly improved.
I must get a better angle on color though. I love it dearly and I am afraid it eludes me at times. Someties I go a tad overboard and I am never fully satisfied. Though my friend Joshua Berardi helped me in discovering the root of this.
Until I can really tackle a piece on a larger scale that isn't just a master copy I need to stick with my smaller pieces and work my way up. I have a habit of trying to say too much in just one piece and never completely expressing myself. I feel its a common problem. I think I'll just start a small series or study soon enough to hone my skills. I feel like such an confidence is wavering.
(I realize these photos aren't the best quality but my poor scanner is on the fritz)
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