I got a 90% on my last 20th Century Art quiz.
An 80% on my photography quiz.
I still don't know what I got on my last Medical Ethics test.
In Film our first test isn't until the 30th at least, I'm fairly prepared. And I have that directors project to work on. Me and Bailey really need to get on that. We are creating a power point on director Tarsem Singh. He directed movies like The Fall and The Cell and he was also assistant director on The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. I think he is brillant and The Fall is a perfect example of that. I am in love with that movie, I simply cannot get enough. The cinematography, the story, the characters...it is the complete package.
I digress.
I decided on using watercolor as a medium for my piece in 20th Century Art. So far so good. I did not finish last night but I made a lot of progress. Usng Gustave Klimt as inspiration as
an excellent idea. But the more I study Art Nouveau the more I bein to like Edvard Munch. Though I very much dislike The Screamer. His Madonna is beautiful, and Starry Night is moving. I love the way he uses color. (I've posted images of both).

He is the most wel known symbolist painter, at east the most well-known norwegian one. I have some trouble seeing the appeal of paintings like The Screamer and Evening on Karl Johan Street, but to each his own I suppose. I understand him and the he chose to represent society's reaction to industrialization - which was this turning in on oneself. Crowds became soulless and materialisti and many individuals felt completely alone and out of touch with themselve and nature. 

I just don't like some of the syle he used for some of his paintings.

Well, I must be off to Sammie's house for a dinner party.
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